Thursday 13 March 2014

13Mar14 - Positive Thinking

I have been reading these two books from the library lately, Positive Thinking and
Creative Visualization.
I saw a friend recommended Creative Visualization on Facebook and how it helped him changed his attitude towards living and became happier and more positive.

Creative Visualization explains how your thinking can affect the outer world, whether it is positive or negative. It teaches you how to have clear definitive goals and desires, and how to work towards them with the proper mindset and attitude. 

Positive Thinking is a pretty easy to understand book, with many charts and diagrams. It is pretty small book so you can always bring it along and read it when you need a boost of positive energy.

A change of attitude can change the entire situation, a crisis can be an opportunity, a failure can be a lesson.
By rephrasing your words and sentences, your mind will react totally different!

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