Monday 31 December 2012

31 Dec 12 - Some thoughts

回首2012,有很多人要感谢Recapping 2012, there are many people and blessing to be thankful for

因为不多 才要特别珍惜
朋友不一定在你人身巅峰时   在你身旁
而会在你低潮面对错责时   于鼓励

很感谢一路碰到了好伙伴 好战友
为梦想一同打拼  一同努力

每个人都是个老师  给于我人生的课
时时提醒我 注意言谈举止

不管在外受了多少委屈  只要一回家
听见父母一句 ‘吃饭了吗?
父母一天一天的老去  要惜福啊!

2013 希望大家都会努力,有丰收。 身体健康, 能到处游玩。
多一点陪家人朋友, 少一点低头看手机。
多一点鼓励,少一点批评, 在不万全了解前别下结论。

有新游戏, 新部落各, 新漫画, 每个人都有24 小时,

想要有幸运的 2013
-对父母好一点!(别忘了小时候父母给于的养育 之恩!)
-多做好事!(帮那老婆婆买包纸巾 把!)
-定时运动  注意饮食! (不可浪费食物!)
-丢弃 杂物! (实体和心灵!)

Recapping 2012, there are many people and blessing to be thankful for

I am thankful to have understanding and patient friends
Because there are so few of them, so I treasure them more.
Friends may not be by your side when you are successful and glamorous,
But they will be there to give a hand when you are down and fallen.

Working partners
One can’t fight a battle alone,
I am grateful to find like-minded ones in this battlefield,
To fight for our dreams, To fight for our beliefs

Those that taught me a lesson
Everyone I encountered is a teacher, teaching me a lesson of life.
Constantly reminding me, how I behave, how I talk, how I react.

Parents and family
No matter how tough and bad things get going outside, I know I have a place call home.
Going back home and receiving a simple gesture from them,
you will know that everything is worth it.
Our parents get older every day, so we must appreciate them

2013 I wish everyone work hard and reap well, Good health and travel far.
More time for family and friends,  Less time looking down at your phone.
A little more encouragement , a little less critic, never assume anything until you really know the truth.

2013 I have new games, new blog,  new comics, everyone have 24 hours,
it’s up to you how you make use of it.

Want to have a good fortune 2013?
-Be good and filial to your parents (Have you forgotten how they brought you up?)
-Do more good! (Help that old lady by buying a pack of tissue paper!)
-More positive thoughts!
-Regular exercise and healthy diet! (Do not waste food!)
-Clear clutters! (physical and mental!)


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