Saturday 13 July 2013

13Jul13 Breaks and Time off

When was the last time you put down all your work and worries and just sit down and enjoy a cup of your favorite tea?

Previously I talked about taking charge in life and have a schedule for your daily chores,
breaks and time off are equally important too. Even machines need maintenance and oiling once a while, so you should schedule in time for unwinding too!

Organize a gathering with friends, find a quiet time to sit down and read your book,
finish all your chores today so you can relax and watch TV without guilt.

Without planning in your time off, you might it hard to find a time to relax as there are never-ending tasks to be completed everyday. 

Give yourself some 'Me-time'! Whether you are a housewife, mother of three, student, sale-person, or a boss. Plan a one hour me-time every week to do the things you like and relaxes you, nothing work or academically related, listen to a CD, get a shoulder massage,
eat that tub of ice-cream, take a quiet nap, etc etc

Good things happen to people who planned them!

Have a great weekend!

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