Sunday 14 July 2013

14Jul13 - Crystal Essence

Yesterday I made a crystal essence with my rose quartz, will use it to spray around the house to
bless it with love.

The basic principle behind the use of gem essences is the interaction of water and sunlight with the essential energy of crystals charges the water in which crystals are placed with their subtle energy. When you drink this water, that energy works to dissolve the blockages which promote the persistence of painful emotions and prevent personal and spiritual growth. 

How to Prepare An Essence, What You Need

1. A glass container filled with about 12 ounces of water. Many sources recommend using a glass dish. If you are going to be placing your essence outside be sure to cover it. Any container you use should be sterilized.

2. Water. Distilled water is preferable because it's free of mineral content.

3. A crystal, which should be cleansed in salt water before being used. If you're going to make an essence which combines more than one crystal you can put them in the same container.
*Make sure the crystals are not water-soluble, tumbled and polished should be ideal.

Place your crystal(s) in the container filled with water and placed them under the sun for 3-4 hours, or overnight if you prefer.

Pour the energized water into your desire container, for me a spray bottle. It is
encouraged to use it after a few days, although some will like to preserve it with with a bit of alcohol or keep them in the fridge.

Some of the crystal essences effects:

For the experience of abundance in all ways: citrine, emerald, green tourmaline.

For the expansion of love: rose quartz (for loving oneself), rhodonite (for patience), rhodochrosite (for releasing any anxiety about opening the heart).

For opening up creativity: malachite, aquamarine, green fluorite.

For mental/emotional balance: moonstone, sodalite, moss agate.

When clear quartz is used in combination with any other stones its effect is to enhance the energies of those stones.

Have fun experimenting! 

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